Good landscape architect adding ornamentation is only complementary, the main priority remains. "So, the number of ornaments no more than the amount of composition plants.'ll Park became weird,". This is due to the garden ornaments should be the focal point of a feature in the park. Thus, two kinds of garden ornaments was actually enough to keep the size composition of large parks and ornaments. One of the many garden ornaments selected to be installed in the park home is light. Usually selected by the form of ordinary light (standing lamp) or the spotlight.
"Generally, the spotlight is put under the tree," STAR from Juxtapose Architecture & Interior. The placement of a special spotlight for a somewhat hidden position will not interfere with the park appearance. It would provide a dramatic and romantic effect in a garden. Another well as standing lamp, which has slightly different functions in the spotlight even though they both serve as the park lights. The lamp model is only as a general light. "Light the pole and stood it was to illuminate the vast lawn and placed at the edge of the park,". "Thus, this garden light can form the desired atmosphere,".
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