"Usually the land area suitable to apply the theme parks, such as the Mediterranean, Japan, America and France. As for the narrow land that is suitable is the concept of minimalist garden, ". The last thing to consider the activities of people in the house. In a sense, the owner of the house or not able to care for the park. Although the theme park using the concept of different, a whole garden has elements similar complement, such as the use of statues, fountains, pots, and park benches.
Characteristics of Foreign Affairs
Spoil the beauty of the eye so many owners made race decorating residential homes with garden concept. One concept that can be applied is the theme parks overseas. Foreign-themed park has displays characteristic features of a particular country. Suppose the Japanese garden. Garden types which are well known in our society is often described as a summary of the past history of the country the sun rises, where in medieval times in Japan often discord between tribes. It is said, to avoid this, the head of each tribe to make a shelter that can protect them from enemy attacks. To better secure the location, then was made to put forward a simple garden elements. Despite the popularity of Japanese garden currently declining, eksotis still teasing. No doubt, some circles still are interested in applying the concept of this park to sweeten their homes.
characteristics that appear on this type of garden is very easily recognizable. Generally, Japanese garden lights like toro apply. In addition, the park is a trend of the 1990s is also commonly used soft grass, the park is not angled pattern, and always apply the three natural elements: water, stone, and trees. Caring for Japanese garden easy bother, because this type of park needs a nurse by people who spent more time at home. So, you are advised not to make this park. Switch to the French garden. The park is said to be the depiction of conditions in France during the Renaissance. Usually, to enjoy the beauty of French gardens can be done at close range or far away. "This type of garden has a geometric shape pattern. Trees that can be used is made against fir on the left and right, ".
The English garden is often called the garden of Europe. This park has a pattern similar to the French garden, which is carrying a geometric pattern. English Park also tend to highlight the beauty of various flowers. "However, its application remains proportionately between the leaves and flowers. Flowers that are used tend to be colorful. So any form and leaves, very diverse, ". The park is said to be the ancestral heritage of England and is often made in the land of their former colonies. In Indonesia, the concept of an English park can be seen in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Only, the characteristics of the park in Bogor Botanical Garden has a few differences with the original characteristics of British gardens. You want to apply the English garden at home, should prepare a rather large budget given type of plant that is used quite diverse, and perhaps how the treatment will be slightly different from one plant and another plant. There's more Mediterranean garden. This park includes easy to maintain, because the type of trees planted here are generally not require watering too much water. For example, call Andrew Sucrandra, tree ferns. These plants require little water because the thickness of the leaves can to save water. Andrew suggested, if you want to flush, you should see the soil moisture used. If still damp, you are advised not to water because it will cause decay in plants. "If the land is dry, once a week you can simply spray water on the leaves and roots in the morning and evening,".
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